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15790705 , Create an Image Gallery in Ruby , , ,
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Course Description
Image galleries are used everywhere on the web: for sharing photos, for promoting products, for project portfolios and many other applications. There are lots of pre-built image galleries available, but wouldn’t it be more fun to build our own? Besides, building an image gallery app is a perfect opportunity to practice using Sinatra for simple web apps with authentication, Sequel for database access and Carrierwave for file uploading. We’ll even add social media integration.
What You’ll Learn
- Bootstrap an image gallery project using Sinatra.
- Set up image storage.
- Create an image display page, with JavaScript to make the page sparkle.
- Add buttons for sharing content through social media.
- Create a simple way for the gallery owner to log in and be authorized using HTTP basic authentication.
About the Instructor
José Mota is a Rubyist, Javascripter, UI designer, occasional speaker, and Mac & Arch Linux user. You can find out more on his website.
, courses/code , , 5 , tutsplus , , 2016-04-26T17:18:29+10:00 , 2016-04-26T17:18:29+10:00 , , 0 , code,course,education,front-end,how-to,learning,ruby,sequel,sinatra,training,tutorial,video course,video tutorial,web app , 6 , , , , , , Prompt, #Create #Image #Gallery #Ruby, #Create #Image #Gallery #Ruby, 1715663423, create-an-image-gallery-in-ruby